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Mesop DuoChat Codelab

This tutorial walks you through building DuoChat, an interactive web application for chatting with multiple AI models simultaneously. You'll learn how to leverage Mesop's powerful features to create a responsive UI and integrate with AI APIs like Google Gemini and Anthropic Claude.

What you will build

By the end of this codelab, you will build DuoChat (demo) that will allow users to:

  • Select multiple AI models to chat with
  • Compare responses from different models side-by-side
  • Provide their own API keys

If you want to dive straight into the code, you can look at the DuoChat repo and each branch represents the completed code after each section.

Setting Up the Development Environment

Let's start by setting up our development environment:

  1. Create a new directory for your project:
mkdir duochat
cd duochat
  1. Follow the Mesop command-line installation guide and create a virtual environment and activate it.

  2. Create a requirements.txt file with the following content:

  1. Install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Setting Up the Main Application

Let's start by creating a basic Mesop application. Create and add the following code:
import mesop as me"/")
def page():
    me.text("Welcome to DuoChat!")

This creates a simple Mesop application with a welcome message.

Running the Application

To run your Mesop application:


Navigate to http://localhost:32123 in your web browser. You should see the welcome message.

Getting API keys

Later on, you will need API keys to call the respective AI models:

TIP: You can get started with the Gemini API key, which has a free tier, first and create the Anthropic API key later.


If you're having trouble, compare your code to the solution.

Next Steps

In the next section, we'll start building the user interface for DuoChat, including the header, chat input area, and basic styling. We'll explore Mesop's components and styling system to create an attractive and functional layout.

Building the basic UI