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How-to Contribute

Thanks for looking into contributing to Mesop. There's many ways to contribute to Mesop:

  • Filing new issues and providing feedback on existing issues
  • Improving our docs
  • Contributing examples
  • Contributing code

All types of contributions are welcome and are a key piece to making Mesop work well as a project.

Before you begin

Sign our Contributor License Agreement

Contributions to this project must be accompanied by a Contributor License Agreement (CLA). You (or your employer) retain the copyright to your contribution; this simply gives us permission to use and redistribute your contributions as part of the project.

If you or your current employer have already signed the Google CLA (even if it was for a different project), you probably don't need to do it again.

Visit to see your current agreements or to sign a new one.

Review our community guidelines

This project follows Google's Open Source Community Guidelines.

Contributing to docs

If you want to contribute to our docs, please take a look at our docs issues. If you find any of our existing docs confusing or missing key information, please file an issue and we will see how we can improve things. We regularly spend time improving our docs because we know it's a key part of the developer experience.

Contributing examples

One of the best way of helping the Mesop project is to share what you've built! You can either add an example to our demo gallery by adding it to the demo/ directory or you can send us a link to your app running and we will include it in our docs.

Contributing code

If you'd like to contribute code, I recommend taking a look at one of our existing "starter" issues. These are issues that are good for first-time contributors as they are well-specified.

I recommend reading through the various pages in the contributing section as it will give you a sense of our project's goals.

One thing that we focus on is providing an easy-to-understand API with minimal breaking changes so we ask that any API changes are first discussed in an issue. This will help prevent wasted work because we are conservative with changing our APIs.